Because of creating a notion space map we create multi-dimensioned map of human knowledge, then expression of this knowledge through notion algebra will let to detect hidden structure correlations of different areas of human knowledge. This process could be algorithmized and then automated (look 7.6. Information search). Main aim in here is creating mathematical apparatus, describing topology different areas of notion space. In other words, it is necessary to detect where will be better to “dig” and where – to “drill”.
Presentation of notions and actions as mathematically described areas of notion space gives an opportunity to analyze resembling of the notions and actions without correlating to their context. That is to say, to compare notions, information structures, algorithms from different notion areas, for example, genetic engineering and music.
Analyzing the topology of notion space it is clear, that there are some “white areas” – that is to say notion areas, which hadn’t described yet with existing languages. Analysis of such areas gives an opportunity to calculate “border conditions” for filling such “white areas”. That is to say, an opportunity to point out the direction and necessary conditions for filling such “white area”. Analysis will point out the way for researches to discover or inventing in this area. Such approach doesn’t cancel creative search, scientific discover, invention, but allows pointing out the area of searching and formulating “border conditions” of new discovery as new domains in notions space more exactly.