Basic cognitive skills: imagination (fantasy), concentration (concentration), the comparison, the naming


Reflecting on cognitive education, I came to the inescapable conclusion that cognitive skills can (and should) also develop as the swing muscles. Better since childhood and still hole life.
What are the cognitive skills? As I have tried, but it turns out that the basis for the diversity of methods of knowledge is only three basic ways of thinking (let's call it the basic psychotechnics). Apparently, this is the minimum required, as the absence of any of these psycho leads to the inability of a number of cognitive operations, and, conversely, distortion, hypertrophy of any of them - for mental disorders. So, in the studio:
  1. A comparison (comparison)
  2. Imagination (fantasy)
  3. Concentration, concentration.
  4. Naming (Designation?)
It is important that the operation of memory (memorization and recall) - I do not belong to the cognitive functions, as the new property information when it does not acquire.
Nocomments, I think everything is clear. Consider, as laid out the basic cognitive skills in these coordinates.
  • Searching - shuffling and a comparison of the desired pattern, a pattern stored in a memory.
  • Decomposition - search for the object (system) of the known components (subsystems) and their selection (focus on them).
  • Combination - shuffling and keeping in mind several memories (objects, components, etc.).
  • Synthesis: imagination (a combination of objects), compared with the specified characteristics, and then focus on the end result.
  • Analysis: imagination (decomposition of objects), then - a comparison (comparison of the properties of objects).
  • Induction (from particular to general): the concentration, comparison, imagination.
  •  Deduction (from general to specific) analysis + concentration.
  • Reduction (reduction): analysis + concentration on one of the options.
  •  Abduction: a comparison, imagination, concentration.
And the more complex skills:
  • Design (Planning): Synthesis + Deduction - imagination (imaging the target), concentration (target selection), imagination (WBS), comparison (ways of doing), focusing on selected steps)
  • Reflection: a focus on experience, imagination, the ideal result, the comparison with experiment, the transition to design improvements.
That is why cognitive education will be tens of times more efficient than existing: the student does not need to train tens of objects, but rather to hone these FOUR (4) basic cognitive skills and learn how to use them! MORE ON SAM DISASSEMBLE!
It is interesting to look at the origin of the most well-known mental illness
 Brad: uncontrolled imagination)).
 Schizophrenia, multiple personality: comparisons with no imagination and concentration.
 Manic, Autism: hiperconcentration.
Paranoia: imagination and concentration, without comparison.
As a result, loomed the following questions for further research:
A. What are the best exercises to develop in children and adults, imagination, concentration, and a comparison?
Two. Can we treat mental deviants, "pumping" the missing psycho?
Three. Are these only three psycho? What could be more?
4. Is it possible to transpersonalizatsiya, group use of these psycho?